Israel: Orthodox parties skip swearing in of first openly gay parliamentarian

Members of both Ultra-Orthodox Jewish parties in the Israeli Knesset (or parliament) decided not to show up to the swearing-in of the country’s first openly gay lawmaker. Amir Ohana, who was sworn in before his partner and two children, represents the centre-right Likud party.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is also the head of the Likud party, welcomed the new MK. "The first impression is the most important, and we were all deeply impressed with your speech. I'm happy to receive you to our ranks. You carry with you an exceptional responsibility - the welcome you received brings together this fractured house. It's a great responsibility and a great opportunity," the prime minister said.
"Amir is the first representative of the LGBT community who was elected in open primaries while who he is was completely out in the open, and he was elected by thousands of voters in the Likud primaries," Netanyahu noted.  Read more via Ynet News