Taiwan: Court rejects lesbian marriage appeal

The Taipei High Administrative Court rejected Wednesday an appeal by two women against the Taipei City government's refusal to approve their marriage.

The two women, Liang Tzung-huei (梁宗慧) and Chu Pei-shuan (朱珮諠), filed the appeal after their request to register as a married couple was rejected by the Household Registration Office in Taipei's Zhongzheng District in 2014.

The couple asked the court to overturn the decision by the registration office and validate their marriage.

The court said in a statement that even though the Council of Grand Justices ruled in May that the Civil Code's current definition of marriage is unconstitutional and requested that the Legislative Yuan amend the law within two years, it could not grant the request by Liang and Chu, on the grounds that it does not have the authority to pressure household registration offices into recognizing such marriages. The ruling was made because the legal framework for same-sex marriage has not been promulgated into law and the two-year deadline has yet to be reached, according to the statement. Read more via Focus Taiwan