UK: Private Jewish school fails third Ofsted inspection for not teaching LGBT issues

A private faith school in London has failed its third Ofsted inspection for refusing to teach its pupils about homosexuality. Inspectors visiting Vishnitz Girls School in north London last month said the Orthodox school does not give pupils “a full understanding of fundamental British values”, The Telegraph reported. Pupils were not taught about LGBT issues such as “sexual orientation”, which are in breach of equality laws. 

“This restricts pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and does not promote equality of opportunity in ways that take account of differing lifestyles,” inspectors reported.

The school’s approach resulted in pupils being “shielded from learning about certain differences between people, such as sexual orientation,” the report went on. “The school’s culture is, however, clearly focused on teaching pupils to respect everybody, regardless of beliefs and lifestyle

While school leaders ”recognise the requirement to teach about the protected characteristics as set out in the Equality Act 2010… they acknowledge that they do not teach pupils about all the protected characteristics, particularly those relating to gender re-assignment and sexual orientation.  Read more via the Independent