Malta: Gay rights lobbyists hail Bill’s ­­­‘fulfilled aspirations’

Gay rights campaigners have hailed the “fulfilled aspirations” of the Marriage Equality Bill and the message it sends to the community to enjoy life without fear.

The island will become the 25th country in the world, and the 15th in Europe, to legalise same-sex marriage when Parliament takes its final vote on the Bill this evening.

A day after conservative groups staged a small silent protest outside Parliament in opposition to the law, celebrations – organised by the government – will take place in Castille Square, Valletta, after the vote, mirroring and completing the festivities that greeted civil unions three years ago.

“LGBTIQ people aren’t raised differently because of their sexual orientation, gender identity or sex characteristics – most still hold marriage to be the institution that best expresses the commitment and love that a couple have for each other,” Malta Gay Rights Movement (MGRM) coordinator, Gabi Calleja, told the Times of Malta.

“So, while the civil union legislation will still be there for those who prefer it, marriage equality is what truly meets our aspirations as far as the equal recognition of same-sex couples is concerned,” she added.

The Bill, piloted by Equality Minister Helena Dalli, aims to “modernise the institution of marriage” so that all consenting adult couples would have the right to enter into marriage. Read more via Times of Malta