#DecriminalizeLGBT Is a Campaign Dedicated to Fighting the Laws That Criminalize Us

In over 70 countries around the world, LGBT people are criminalized. Those governments’ insistence that we are criminals leads to violence, torture and murder. Some countries may have seen significant advancements in LGBT equality, but is it true equality when the rest of our community is criminalized? We must do better for our community, and we must actively work to remove all laws that criminalize LGBT people. Hornet is launching the Decriminalize LGBT campaign in an effort to raise awareness about these laws and to support ongoing decriminalization efforts.

Our community must call for an end to the criminalization of LGBT people around the world, because LGBT rights are human rights. If we work together to prioritize this issue we can impact the lives of LGBT people in all parts of the globe.

Decriminalize LGBT must be brought front and center as an issue. It’s not enough to ask public officials if they support LGBT rights. We must also ask them what they are actively doing to dismantle anti-LGBT laws. It’s not enough for a government or organization to say it supports LGBT rights if it does business with countries that criminalize LGBT people. Read more via Hornet