US: The Discrimination LGBTQ People Still Face from Healthcare Providers

When it comes to accessing quality healthcare in the United States, people in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) community may still be experiencing discrimination due to their sexual identity or HIV status.

According to a Lambda Legal report published in 2010, LGBTQ patients frequently face refusals of care, discriminatory treatment, prejudicial policies, and disrespectful attitudes.

How have things improved since this landmark study was released?

The disproportionate number of gay and transgender people living with HIV makes this group especially vulnerable to discriminatory treatment.

Dr. Lexi Chavez, a resident psychiatrist at University of Colorado Health (UCHealth) and the leader behind Colorado’s first LGBTQ clinic, told Healthline that “LGBTQ patients with HIV that I’ve seen have told me that sometimes healthcare providers don’t really want to touch them as much, or the provider used some excessive precautions even though it’s well-treated, well-controlled HIV where the rates of transmission are very low.”

Chavez thinks the situation has improved, but not enough. Read more via Healthline