UK: Teach about LGBT issues in Maths and Science lessons, report says

A new LGBT-inclusive curriculum would see LGBT people reflected across all subjects at school.

Stonewall launched the guide, sponsored by Pearson, which is designed to help schools build an LGBT inclusive curriculum which reflects the diversity of people’s lives and experiences in modern Britain. 

The guide includes suggestions for ways that LGBT issues can be reflected in secondary school subjects.

For example, the guidance on Maths suggests a lesson on codebreaking – incorporating the story of computing pioneer Alan Turing. It says: “Explain that Alan Turing was a famous mathematician who played a vital role in cracking the Enigma code during World War II. Provide pupils with some information about Alan Turing’s life, including the arrest and trial for his relationship with another man. You could also use the [discussion] to talk about the historical treatment of gay people by the secret services.”

When it comes to learning about LGBT people and themes, many pupils report that these are absent from their curriculum. Stonewall’s 2017 School Report, a survey of over 3,700 LGBT pupils in Britain’s secondary schools, found that two in five LGBT pupils are never taught anything about LGBT matters in school or college. Read more via Pink News


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