Spiritual insights for LGBT Catholics


James Martin, S.J.The Rev. James Martin, S.J., is a Jesuit priest, author and editor at large at America and the author of Building a Bridge (Revised and Expanded Version), published this month by HarperOne.

Over the last few months, I have heard from many L.G.B.T. Catholics who are struggling with their faith and their place in the church. The most common questions concern coming out, that is, sharing the reality of their orientation or identity with family and friends. For many people, young and old, coming out can be frightening, especially if they feel that their church, or God, is somehow against them. But even after people are out, they may still struggle, both with their faith and with the church.  

So here are five important things to keep in mind.

First, God loves you. I know that is basic and maybe even obvious, but especially for L.G.B.T. people who don’t feel loved or accepted by others, it’s an important insight. God created you and God loves you.  

Now, you might ask, “How can I know that?” Well, to begin with, that’s one of the most fundamental messages of both the Old and New Testaments. The Old Testament is the story of God’s covenant, God’s unshakable bond, with the people of Israel. God loves them—loves us—no matter what. And the New Testament is about God showing us love in Jesus. Jesus’ whole life was about loving people and letting them know that God loved them. Simply put, as the First Letter of John says, “God is love.”   Read more via America Magazine