Italy: Young People at Pre-Synod Meeting Call for Church to Openly Address Sexuality

Youth from around the world have issued a call for the Catholic Church to openly and honestly address matters of sexuality, including homosexuality, and to do so from a Church that is a welcoming place for all people.

Some 300 young people gathered in Rome for the Pre-Synodal Meeting of Young People, occurring in advance of the bishops’ “Synod on Young People, the Faith, and Vocational Discernment” in October 2018. The young people meeting in Rome, not all of whom were Catholic, released a final document that summarized their week-long discussion, as well as input from some 15,000 youth on Facebook.

Last week, I expressed concern that LGBT issues would not be taken up at the young people’s meeting, especially given the conservative background of the three U.S. delegates. But the pre-Synod document proves to be remarkable and exciting for many reasons. I highlight two here that are the most relevant for LGBT advocates. Read more via New Ways Ministry