UK: Manchester police record 775 cases of LGBT domestic abuse

Greater Manchester police have recorded 775 cases of domestic abuse in the LGBT community since it became the first UK force to officially log figures a year ago.

The force said it was encouraged by the reporting of the cases since last April, but the issue was still under-recorded. It accounts for about 2% of the total domestic abuse recorded by police in the region.

The figures, released on Tuesday, include domestic abuse involving lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender victims.

DS Sarah Harris, the GMP officer leading the scheme, urged other forces to adopt the protocol, which she said had enabled officers to better understand the issue and to tailor support for victims.

“I’m unsure exactly what other forces are doing; however, from a Greater Manchester point of view, I know we understand the community more, we’ve got better links to the community, and we can work with our partners to make sure we keep encouraging those links,” she told the Guardian.

“We’ve shared our ideas nationwide and that includes all the different representatives who chair meetings like this. Hopefully, it’s being replicated across the country.” Read more via Guardian