Pakistan: 13 transgender persons will contest general elections this year

ISLAMABAD:  At least 13 transgender persons will contest general elections this year to create history in the country and make their unheard voice heard. Of them two will contest for National Assembly and the rest for provincial assembly seats.

On Wednesday, it was officially announced at a national consultation organised by All Pakistan Transgender Election Network (APTEN) in collaboration with the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP).

The national consultation was attended by all the potential candidates and representatives from their assigned constituencies where they highlighted their demands and importance of political inclusion and empowerment of transgender persons in Pakistan.

Talking to The Express Tribune, Qamar Naseem, member of the Chief Minister’s Special Community on Rights of the Transgender Persons (K-P) and member of the National Task Force said the ECP Act 2017 under Article 48 A and B transgender community are included in the vulnerable community which means that they shall not be required to stand in queue and will be given priority of right to vote.

“It is about time that the transgender community of Pakistan has rightful representation,” Naseem said, adding that the announcement of candidacy and contestation in elections by transgender persons is historic given the staggering rates of violence and discrimination faced by trans-people throughout the country. Read more via the Tribune