Philippines: Daring to bring the LGBT struggle back to the streets

MANILA — While the Philippine lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) movement has seemingly reached new heights – with annual pride parades, strong clamor for the passage of Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) Equality bill, and more LGBT individuals making their marks in their respective fields – the pressing societal issues that both LGBT and non-LGBT are confronted with suggest that LGBT struggle is indeed far from over.

Oftentimes, the public and even some LGBT organizations and advocates, knowingly or not, limit the LGBT struggle to same-sex marriage, SOGIE recognition, and mere celebration of sexuality and individuality. While these are, of course, important in ensuring that members of the LGBT community are respected and celebrated for who and what they are, these also, unfortunately, separate the struggle of the LGBT from that of the rest of society.

Bahaghari Metro Manila (BHMM), a multi-sectoral, progressive and nationalist LGBT organization in the country, dares to close that invisible gap that separates the people’s struggle from that of the LGBT community. In many of the statements that BHMM released since it was established, it has consistently challenged progressive LGBT individuals, advocates, and organizations to take political stand on issues like poverty, unemployment and contractualization, human rights abuses, resumption of peace talks, among others. Likewise, it urged them to join mass actions and bring the LGBT struggle back to the streets where it all started.

BHMM uses as inspiration the militance of LGBT activists of Stonewall Riots and as a reminder that the LGBT movement has always been political.  Read more via Bulatlat