Australia: Questions about sexual orientation and gender identity dumped from census

The Australian Bureau of Statistics has ditched preparations to ask about sexual orientation and gender identity in the 2021 census, although a question whether people are male, female or non-binary is still under consideration.

On 15 October, the ABS will test the census on 40,000 households in Wagga Wagga and south of Brisbane, including proposed new questions on non-binary sex, long-term health conditions and Australian defence force service. The test follows a consultation process in 2018 that identified eight potential new topics. The ABS has decided not to proceed with questions on gender identity, sexual orientation, respondents’ journey to education and smoking.

The Equality Australia chief executive, Anna Brown, told Guardian Australia: “It is disappointing that the ABS will not be collecting information about sexual orientation in the next census. It is absolutely vital for us to be counted if we are to have the diverse needs of the LGBTIQ community adequately addressed in government policy and programs.”

The LGBTI Health Network had lobbied for inclusion of sexual orientation, gender identity and intersex status to help address the significant health disparities experienced by LGBTI people.

“We all know about the mental health and well-being disparities for LGBTIQ Australians,” Brown said. “We need a clearer understanding of the demographics of our communities so we can ensure that funding whether for healthcare, or social services, is directed to where it is most needed.” Read more via Guardian