US: New York City Is Ending a Ban on Gay Conversion Therapy. Here’s Why. — Equal Eyes

US: New York City Is Ending a Ban on Gay Conversion Therapy. Here’s Why.

Nearly two years ago, the New York City Council celebrated when it passed a far-reaching ban on conversion therapy, a discredited practice to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity.

On Thursday, Corey Johnson, the Council speaker, who is gay, said the Council would act swiftly to repeal the ban.

The move is a gambit designed to neutralize a federal lawsuit filed against the city by a conservative Christian legal organization; if the case were to be heard by the Supreme Court, advocates for the L.G.B.T. community fear that the panel could issue a ruling that could severely damage attempts to ban or curtail conversion therapy.

This is not the first time New York City officials have sought to change a regulation to avoid a Supreme Court challenge. In July, the Police Department amended a regulation that had limited residents from transporting guns outside their homes, after the Supreme Court had agreed to hear a case challenging the city rule. Read more via New York Times