Rwandan gospel singer shrugs off backlash to coming out, hoping to help others

KIGALI, Sept 23 (Openly) - Since the popular Rwandan gospel singer Albert Nabonibo came out as gay, he has been flooded with insults from fans, shunned by friends and asked to leave his job. Yet despite the backlash, the 35-year-old does not regret his decision to go public about his sexuality in a recent interview with a Christian YouTube channel, hoping his stance would encourage others to also stop living a lie.

"The community in general is not happy with me ... People are insulting me everywhere, even on Facebook - but I don't care," Nabonibo, 35, told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. "I know some of my fans will go, but that will not deter me. I know that others will stay with me. My intention is to tell the truth."

Rwanda is one of a handful of African nations not to criminalise gay sex, but same-sex marriage is banned and LGBT+ rights groups in the largely conservative Christian nation say homophobic attitudes are widespread. Sexual minorities face stigma and discrimination, from being ostracised by their families or abused by neighbours to being denied a job or housing.

Nabonibo, a well-known singer who has released eight gospel songs since 2012, said he had been inundated with hate on social media, with people telling him he was "cursed" and "sinful". Read more via Openly