Brazil: Crivella orders to collect comics of the Avengers with gay kiss; Biennial refuses

RIO - Mayor Marcelo Crivella determined that the comic book "Avengers: The Children's Crusade" was collected from the Book Biennial at Riocentro. In a video posted on social networks, the mayor claims that superhero comics have "sexual content for minors." Two of the characters in the saga are boyfriends and appear kissing on a panel - the book is 264 pages long. In the video, Crivella says: "Therefore, the city of Rio de Janeiro is protecting the smallest of our city."

The Biennial refused to comply with the City Hall's request - which apparently could not even be met. On the morning of this Friday (6), the GLOBO report visited nine booths that sell comics at the Biennial. At eight, he heard that "Avengers: The Children's Crusade" was not for sale simply because it was not in stock. In one, called the King's Tavern, an official confirmed that there were about 20 copies for sale, but they sold out two days before the mayor's demonstration.

Biennial: "Voice to all audiences"

Sought, the Biennale said it "gives a voice to all audiences, without distinction, as a democracy should be. Including, next weekend, the Book Biennial will have three panels to discuss Trans and LGBTQA + literature. The direction of the festival understands that if a visitor purchases a work he or she does not like, he / she has every right to request the exchange of the product, as provided for in the Consumer Protection Code. " Read more via OGlobo