New Ways Ministry Praises Pope’s Support for Civil Unions, Seeks Same Recognition in Church

by Robert Shine,

New Ways Ministry gratefully welcomes Pope Francis’ latest support for civil unions for same-gender couples.  It is an historic moment when the leader of the Roman Catholic Church, long seen as a persecutor of LGBTQ people, moves in such a supportive direction for lesbian/gay couples and their families.  It signals that the church is continuing to develop more positively its approach to LGBTQ issues.

At the same time, we urge Pope Francis to apply the same kind of reasoning to recognize and bless these same unions of love and support within the Catholic Church, too. Since the pope framed his support for civil unions by saying that same-gender couples are “right to be a part of the family,” it would not be a long stretch for him to do so.

Bishops, priests, and theologians in the German-speaking church have been making strong calls for blessing same-gender couples for several years now. The Synodal Way process in Germany may issue its support of recognizing and blessing these unions in the church early next year.

Pope Francis support for full civil marriage rights, beyond civil unions, is needed, too.  Read more via New Ways Ministry