South Africa: Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu received a Lifetime Achievement Award

The Desmond & Leah Tutu Legacy Foundation today has accepted, on Archbishop Tutu’s behalf, the Lifetime Achievement Award for services to the LGBTI+ community from Outreach Africa, the organisers of Cape Town Pride 2020. I have the pleasure of reading some powerful words words of support.

The Arch says to us today:
“I send my love and blessings to all associated with Cape Town Pride 2020. I should thank you for honouring ‘a decrepit’, and apologise for being unable to be with you in person today.”

The Foundation reiterated that “The Archbishop doesn’t just abhor prejudice, philosophically; he dedicated his life to practically supporting those who are discriminated against, victimised and/or marginalised. He has the courage to say things in ways that others might not. There are no holy grails. Thus, with crystal clarity, we know that he would not worship a homophobic God, and that if there is homophobia in heaven he’d rather go to hell.”

Read more via the Desmond and Leah Tutu Foundation