Indonesia proposes bill to force LGBTQ people into 'rehabilitation'

By Nico Lang

Lawmakers in Indonesia are pushing legislation that would force LGBTQ people into government-sanctioned rehabilitation centers to “cure” them of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Last month, three lawmakers in Indonesia's House of Representatives introduced a draft of what is known as the “Family Resilience Bill.” The legislation would force gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people to undergo rehabilitation at a series of religiously-based treatment centers that would hypothetically be opened across the conservative archipelago. If they do not readily submit to rehabilitation, their family members would be compelled to report them.

The draft bill also claims that LGBTQ people  are a “threat” to the nuclear family and likens homosexuality to incest and sadomasochism.

Sodik Mujahid, a supporter of the legislation and a member of the Gerindra Party, reiterated those assertions in comments to the Indonesian media outlet Jakarta Post. She also claimed that the question of whether someone is LGBTQ is not a “private matter” in Indonesia, unlike in “Western countries.”

“The practice of homosexuality," she said, "does it not disrupt the future of mankind on a family basis?”

LGBTQ advocacy groups say that if passed, the legislation would have a grave impact on sexual and gender minorities in Indonesia. In a statement opposing the bill, the human rights group OutRight Action International notes that it would create a department within the Indonesian government specifically to handle “family crises due to sexual deviation.” Read more via NBC