Poland: "Rainbow plague" greeted Archbishop Jędraszewski in Warsaw

LGBT people protest before mass for Cursed Soldiers

On March 1, a protest was held against Archbishop Jędraszewski, who was celebrating a mass in Warsaw for the Cursed Soldiers. Banners with the slogans: "Archbishop Jędraszewski convey the sign of hatred" or "resignation subito" appeared in the crowd. Persons participating in the protest were surrounded by a police cordon and were not allowed into the temple. The crowd was identified by officers.

On March 1, a protest was held against Archbishop Marek Jędraszewski , a well-known opponent of LGBT people and ecology. A Krakow clergyman led a mass in the  Church of the parish of St. Padre Pio in Warsaw for the Cursed Soldiers. The campaign was organized by, among others activist Bartosz Staszewski, Bożena Przyłuska from the Warsaw Women's Strike, Aleks Polak and Dariusz Andrzej Woszczyński.

"We oppose the cult of strength, violence and hatred, which is so strongly visible in the statements and activities of Catholic clergy and their fantasies about a world without minorities and citizens without rights" - invited the originators and originators of the protest to the event.

Gathered with them banners with the slogans: "Archbishop Jędraszewski convey a sign of hatred", "You will love your neighbor as yourself", "Dymisja subito". They had rainbow flags, umbrellas and banners with them. Anna-Maria Żukowska, a member of the New Left, appeared among the protesters. "There is no consent for dividing people, fortune into non-heteronormative people, especially by the hierarchs of the Catholic Church," she said.
The protest caused an immediate reaction from the police, which surrounded the people with a cordon and did not allow them to approach the Church. Participants later commented that the officers did not allow anyone who appeared to belong to the LGBT community to approach the building

Sabina, a non-heteronormative person, was also blocked and not allowed in. Policemen and policewomen began to identify the crowd standing in front of the temple. Even BBC journalists who came to shoot material about Polish "LGBT-free zones" did not escape this. Officers also wrote down Bartosz Staszewski, who wanted to ask Archbishop Jędraszewski about the "rainbow plague" before mass.

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