Faced with an unprecedented pandemic, governments across the Americas have begun to respond to COVID-19 in a variety of ways, ranging from calling for states of emergencies, to imposing travel bans, to implementing quarantines. Stakes are high and the way governments respond to this pandemic could determine the future of millions of people.

Governments are ultimately responsible for protecting people and their human rights but have often failed to do so in the Americas. Deep inequality, structural discrimination, a tendency to revert to repressive policing, censorship, underfunded public health systems, and inadequate social security and labour protections long predate the outbreak of COVID-19 in the region.

States have an obligation to protect and guarantee the right to health for everyone, without discrimination. Amnesty International does not take a position on the type of public health measures governments should take as the COVID-19 pandemic unfolds and recognizes that states can impose certain restrictions on some human rights in order to protect public health.

People all over the Americas are concerned and expect governments to react decisively. We in Amnesty International also believe that authorities across the region must show leadership and they must do so by prioritizing human rights and by refraining from abusing their power in the middle of this emergency.

Here is a preliminary list of “Do’s” and “Don’ts” that all governments should follow during these difficult times:

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