Poland: Macierewicz: Problems before Poland - biological, economic, life protection and LGBT

“I hope that the decisions that have been made will give a starting point not only for holding the presidential election, but also for returning to the process of changing Poland. The problems facing Poles today are related not only to biological and economic threats, but we have not forgotten about the matter of protecting life or aggression of environments that push the so-called LGBT ideology” - said former Defense Minister Antoni Macierewicz, commenting on the agreement of Jarosław Kaczyński and Jarosław Gowin on the presidential election.

Jarosław Kaczyński and Jarosław Gowin agreed on Wednesday that there should be no voting on May 10, and then the new chamber of the Supreme Court will annul the election and the Marshal of the Sejm will announce new ones. With this reservation, the Senate veto on correspondence voting was rejected, and Andrzej Duda signed the bill on Friday.

“There is no doubt that these last weeks were simply very difficult for all of us. There were times when it seemed impossible to reach an agreement and we lost faith in the good will of our partners. I hope that these decisions will give a starting point not only for holding the presidential election, but also for returning to the process of Poland's change” - Antoni Macierewicz commented in his video column for Trwam Television.

“The problems facing Poles today are related not only to biological and economic threats - we already know a lot about these - but we have not forgotten, I hope, about the matter of protecting life, aggression of environments that push the so-called LGBT ideology about attempts to create one superstate that would stretch agreements that make us members of the European Union towards transforming the EU into one state, in fact subordinated to the German or German-French dictate” - added the former defense minister.

Macierewicz said that without holding the presidential election "there will be no political stability in the country." 

“But this is only the beginning of the path which, out of all the difficulties we are experiencing, is to lead Poland to a completely new quality. We are all aware that the reference point must be national tradition, national values ​​and Christian values. You have to build on it, because it worked during these difficult last weeks and months. It was not the European Union that worked, but the nation, government, Polish state, but also politicians who could reach an agreement” - he argued.

Read more via Rzeczpospolita