US: Human Rights Campaign Condemns Puerto Rican Legislature’s Attempt to Roll Back LGBTQ Rights

By Alberto Morales

HRC condemned the Puerto Rican legislature’s attempts to strip away rights, freedoms and dignity from LGBTQ Puerto Ricans in a newly rewritten version of the Civil Code. The rewritten Code passed through the Puerto Rico Senate this week and will now be considered by the Puerto Rico House of Representatives. HRC is calling on Governor Wanda Vazquez to delay the civil codes ratification process to allow for a level of civic participation that is responsive to the limitations presented by the COVID-19 global pandemic and to veto any eventual legislation that would threaten the rights and lives of LGBTQ people.

“Puerto Ricans deserve a fair, transparent ratification process of their Civil Code, not a rushed, backroom deal by the legislature,” said HRC President Alphonso David. “We condemn anti-equality leaders’ furtive attempts to use this process as a way to target LGBTQ Puerto Ricans. The secrecy surrounding the codes and the legislative process is particularly troubling in the context of the COVID-19 global pandemic, which has critically hampered the ability for citizens to participate and make their voices heard. Governor Wanda Vazquez must stand up for LGBTQ Puerto Ricans and for democracy by slowing down this process and allowing all to participate in shaping the future of the island.” Read morevia HRC