Egypt: ‘Noura My Daughter to Nour My Son’: Egyptian Actor Speaks Openly About Transgender Son on Television

Egyptian actor Hesham Selim has won praise on social media after revealing his 26-year-old son Nour is completing the process of physically transitioning to a man and has already socially transitioned to the male gender.

Appearing on the talk show ‘Al-Qahera Wal Nas’, Selim spoke about the transition and his support for his offspring.

“My daughter Noura is now my son Nour,” he revealed on the television show.

“This is what God wanted and she is currently transitioning. I was not confused or surprised, because from the day she was born I could see her as a boy.”

The actor revealed that he thought the transition was courageous given society’s views and that the transition first started when Nour was 18-years-old. Selim also spoke about Nour’s struggles with changing his gender from female to male on official identity documents, adding that authorities initially refused to change the gender because they could not see a man in front of them (this was prior to the physical transition). Read more via Egyptian Streets