Poland: President's same-sex adoption ban reaches lower house

A presidential bill amending the Constitution to forbid persons in same-sex unions to adopt children has reached the Sejm (lower house), the house informed on Monday. Duda announced the bill on Saturday, signed it on Monday morning and sent it to the Sejm on the same day.

Commenting his move, Duda said his bill will not introduce any drastic changes to the constitution, but only add to it certain family-law regulations. He added that it will now be anchored constitutionally that children can be raised in Poland only by couples married in light of Polish law, hence, not by persons in same-sex unions.

Duda admitted that he was pleased to see that the bill was on its way to the Sejm. He said the new regulations were designed to protect the rights of families and children, and reflected the kind of family policy he had always intended to pursue. Read more via First News