Italy: Homotransphobia, the Justice Commission gives the green light to the text.

After the majority agreement found in the Justice Committee which gave the green light to the text, the law against homotransphobia will arrive in the Chamber next Monday, August 3, for general discussion. This was established last night by the Montecitorio group leaders' conference. The exam will continue in the following days.

A real success, therefore, for the governing parties that have found the square on the measure. The first signatory of the provision is also exulted, Alessandro Zan of the Democratic Party, who is also rapporteur: "The bill against #omotransphobia and #misogyny has been approved by the Justice Commission. Thanks to colleagues and colleagues who have convincingly defended the text: the majority is strong and cohesive against hatred and discrimination. Now in the Chamber at Montecitorio on August 3! ".

The agreement, it is explained, concerns some changes that have been made to the basic text. However, some points remain to be defined, which will be "examined in depth during the examination in the Chamber". For example, this is the case of the definition, at the center of a heated controversy on the part of the world of feminist associations: in the current text we speak of "gender, gender identity, sex, sexual orientation". The possibility of providing for a "more precise definition" will be examined in plenary. Read more via La Repubblica