Belize: Man Found Guilty Of San Pedro Murder

He's been on remand awaiting murder for almost 2 years, but tonight 32-year-old Vildo Lorenzo Westby is back at prison awaiting a sentencing hearing. That's after he was found guilty today of the February 2017 murder of 44-year-old Jose Felix Ayuso.

Viewers may remember that crime, which was a cause of great pain for the San Pedro community. Ayuso was the owner of a unisex salon on the island, and he was also a well-known AIDS activist.

In his trial, Westby gave sworn witness testimony in which he admitted that he stabbed Ayuso. But, he claimed that he was provoked to act in self-defense. He told the court that while he was at Ayuso's house, Ayuso allegedly attempted to fondle him a sexual manner. He said that this offended him, and he stabbed Westby. The medical examiner testified that Ayuso was stabbed more than 15 times, but the fatal injuries are believed to be one that penetrated his eye and punctured his brain, and another to the left side of his neck. He also told the court that he confessed to the crime to his ex-common-law wife, and he tried to explain how Ayuso's advances embarrassed him, and he never wanted anyone to suspect that he was gay.

After consideration of the evidence presented by the prosecution and the defense, Justice Colin Williams was not convinced that Westby was justified in killing Ayuso. In the judge's view, Westby used excessive force, and so, he found Westby guilty of murder.

Shortly after the verdict, a member of the San Pedro community announced the outcome on Facebook saying, quote, "No one could believe that this beloved community activist could have met such a tragic and violent end… I'll never forget them dragging his son from his coffin, as they laid him to rest… Today, I can't say I'm happy, but I am relieved to share with you that Felix's family has finally seen justice… I hope that everyone can share some solace in this outcome."

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