North Africa

France: Lesbians and of immigrant background: women in search of visibility

Long absent from public debates in France, lesbians from immigrant backgrounds are increasingly making their voices heard in community, cultural and academic circles. Supported by militant and intellectual figures, sociological studies and artistic productions devoted to them arouse growing interest. Interview with researcher Salima Amari.

HIV-related stigma among health-care workers in the MENA region

Stigma has accompanied the HIV epidemic since the beginning and remains prevalent worldwide. Yet, in some settings, such as the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, stigma is more pronounced because of the interplay between religion, culture, and geopolitics.

Seizing the opportunity: Ending AIDS in the Middle East and North Africa

With its concentrated HIV epidemic, the Middle East and North Africa has the advantage of a relatively low HIV burden among the general population, as well as among children and adolescents.

US: Middle Eastern LGBTQs Underrepresented in Health Research — And That’s a Problem

While the demand for a more intersectional approach to LGBTQ activism is heartening, as an Arab American I can’t help but feel that the voices LGBTQ people of Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) origin are not being heard at a time when anti-Arab, anti-refugee, and Islamophobic sentiment is at an all-time high.