I hope that one day all young gay people can fall in love — Equal Eyes

I hope that one day all young gay people can fall in love

"I hope that one day all young gay people can fall in love and still dream of a future" ~Former PM of Iceland, Johanna Siguroardottir, first openly gay Head of State at the World Pride Human Rights Conference (25 June 2014)


Political Round Up: On August 1st, the Constitutional Court overturned Uganda's Anti-Homosexuality Act on a technicality, but the battle is far from over. In Nepal, lawmakers have begun to draft new laws to recriminalize gay sex, while in Kyrgyzstan, lawmakers have begun hearings on a new anti-gay law even more draconian. African civil society groups are pushing the South African government to keep their promise to hold an African-wide seminar on violence against LGBT. Meanwhile, Nigerian LGBT activist Micheal Ighodaro confronts President Jonathan during a $200-per-plate dinner.

LGBT activism isn't just about group rights: Patrick Robbin's documents how climate change is a queer issue and Emma Margolin reveals how Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, an anti-reproductive rights US Supreme Court ruling, will detrimentally affect the LGBT community. 

Pride & Shame: Despite stigmatizing laws, Russia's pride festival goes off peacefully, while in Saudi Arabia, a man is sentenced to 3 years prison and 450 lashes for "gay" tweets. The Economist takes a look at gay pride in Singapore and journalist Maurice Tomlinson argues the worth of an official Pride celebration in the Anglophone Caribbean.

Community: A new documentary looks at Jamaican LGBT youths living in the sewers. Elton John hosts a new documentary on HIV stigma across the globe. Tomoko Kikuchi explores sexual identity and drag queen culture in China. 

In Scotland an HIV+ dentist is fired for not disclosing his status while in Uganda, an HIV+ nurse continues to languish in jail because of HIV stigma and discrimination. A new report looks at stigma and other challenges faced by LGBT people in Asia.

Health & HIV:  AIDS2014 in Melbourne brought shock of hearing about friends and colleagues who were on the flight shot down over the Ukraine: Martine, Pim, Joep, Jacqueline, and Glen - rest in peace.

While the conference produced high hope that the arsenal of tools to fight HIV is the most impressive we have had to date, the sad fact is that there is a heavy burden faced by certain groups of people. The new UNAIDS Gap Report focuses on people left behind in the fight to end HIV and the WHO published new guidelines on HIV prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care for key populations.

MSMGF launches the 2014 global men's health and rights survey. Truvada continues to stir excitement and is encouraging frank discussion on sex practices. Meanwhile, more evidence comes from Nigeria demonstrating that the Same Sex Marriage Prohibition Act (aka anti-gay law) is driving gay men away from HIV/health services: fear, humiliation, and violence are real obstacles.

Entertainment: A new Aussie TV show has a married gay couple move in with a homophobic minister. John Barrowman kicked off the Commonwealth Games with a televised gay kiss and the Advocate investigates if kids movies push the 'Gay Agenda.' An attack in Senegal closes an art exhibit on African homosexuality. ARussian kids' game is deemed gay propaganda. Check out these challenging photos on stereotypes and an animation short between two brothers.

Read the full edition here
