Seven Lesbian Web Series You Need To Binge Watch Immediately

Don’t get me wrong. I could watch Sex And The City reruns all day. I’m not even going to act like I’m embarrassed about it. Give me all the Mad Men, Game Of Thrones, Girls-level straight-people, implied PIV (penis-in-vagina) TV sex because I eat that shit up.

I have no shame.

But sometimes there are moments when I’ve already watched the first two seasons of Orange Is The New Black from start to finish three times, seen almost every episode of The Real L Word twice already and I just cannot deal with Hannah and Adam’s bullshit or the on-again, off-again Carrie and Big saga (so I’m emotionally invested, sue me). There aren’t a lot of other TV options for when you just want to watch some really lesbionic programming, and I really don’t need another web series about four straight girlfriends "just trying to make it in L.A." and maybe ask out the cute Starbucks barista guy one day. More