Peru: Police use water cannons against LGBT activists

Peruvian police used water cannons against a group of activists who staged an LGBT rights protest. More than two dozen people gathered in Lima’s Plaza de Armas to take part in the protest that was described as “kisses against homophobia.” Sin Etiquetas, a Lima-based LGBT website, posted pictures to its website that show same-sex couples kissing and holding hands in the street with armored police trucks in the background. Other pictures show officers confronting the protesters. 

George Liendo of Promsex, a Peruvian LGBT rights group, said that that authorities have banned protests of “any kind” in the square. Although religious processions, cultural events and other demonstrations routinely take place without incident. “They (the police) are obligated to protect the LGBTI community, as it is a population that is particularly susceptible to violence,” said Liendo. Read more via Washington Blade