Swede draws 'tactile' sex book for blind people

An image of woman wearing a strap on and a picture of five people having sex with each other are among the scenes depicted in a Swedish book designed to offer stimulation for blind and visually impaired people. 

The publication includes both braille text and tactile illustrations of sexual encounters, which readers can trace with their fingertips. Created by Swedish artist Nina Linde, 33, it features pictures of gay and lesbian sex acts as well as those between men and women.
"The book is about sexual stimulation, I don’t think 'porn' is the right word. And sexual stimulation is for everyone," she told The Local. The artist said she had come up with the idea for the publication after visiting the Braille Library in Stockholm.
"I discovered that there is no porn or dirty stuff at all for the visually impaired. Everyone needs some sexual stimulation." Read more