Australia: 'I want control over my body'

Isabelle Langley and her family had been dreading it for years. To get access to vital "stage 2" hormones, the 14-year-old transgender girl would have to go to court early next year to convince them she was capable of making this very personal decision.

It would have required a battery of reports from specialists, legal help and multiple court dates for the gruelling process, the only path for young transgender people wanting to take these hormones since the treatment become available in 2004.   

But in a landmark decision on Thursday, the full bench of the Family Court ruled young people who experience gender dysphoria and want to undergo hormone treatment would no longer need the approval of the court.

Until this ruling, Australia was the only country in the world that required court involvement in stage 2 hormone decision-making.

Isabelle's family have been advocating for this change for years, and Ms McNamara said they were incredibly grateful for the work of other families and organisations, including "Kelvin", the transgender boy whose case informed the court decision.

Sitting with Isabelle's family was 17-year-old Georgie Stone, a transgender advocate who, at the age of 10, was the youngest person to receive hormone blockers in Australia. She later successfully challenged the law that required transgender children and their families to apply to the Family Court to access "stage 1" treatment. Read more via The Age