Hungary: Hungarian Leader: Babies Are The Ultimate Weapon In The Fight Against Immigration

Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orbán told a US-backed social conservative summit in Budapest on Thursday that encouraging larger families is integral to Europe's triumph in a clash of civilizations.

"Our homeland, our common homeland, Europe, is standing to lose in the population contest of the big civilizations," Orbán said during a program kicking off the four-day World Congress of Families, a global social conservative gathering sponsored by the US-based International Organization for the Family. "It's important to say that it's a national interest to restore natural reproduction. Not one interest among others — but the only one. It's a European interest too. It is the European interest."

The International Organization for the Family is headed by Brian Brown, who became one of the best-known campaigners against marriage equality in the US as head of the National Organization for Marriage. The conference website says this year's theme is "Building Family-Friendly Nations: Making Families Great Again."  Read more via Buzzfeed