Israel: Trump just banned transgender troops in America. In Israel, they've served for years

While U.S. President Donald Trump announced that he would ban transgender people from serving in the U.S. military, the Israel Defense Forces allows and even boasts of the integration of transgender soldiers into army ranks. Not only that, the IDF even funds sex reassignment operations.

The IDF says that at any given moment, dozens of transgender soldiers are serving. Since Israel has a compulsory draft, the army is required to provide medical services for all soldiers, and this includes financing sex reassignment operations when appropriate.

The army also provides other types of support to transgender soldiers.

In recent months, the IDF’s transgender policy has sparked criticism from opponents, who are upset, inter alia, that the military funds reassignment and has allowed several transgender soldiers and officers to give interviews on transgender issues. In response to America’s announcement on Wednesday, Col. (res.) Raz Sagi, who heads an organization called The IDF Fortitude Forum, urged the IDF to copy the American decision and not draft transgender individuals.

Read more via Haaretz