There's A Petition To Make Wonder Woman Bisexual In The Movie's Sequel

Plenty of fans already believe Wonder Woman, a.k.a. Diana Prince, is bisexual — but they want Warner Bros. and D.C. Comics to make it official.

In conjunction with Bisexual Awareness Week, fans have launched a petition asking Warner Bros. to make Wonder Woman bisexual in the movie's sequel. Gianna Collier-Pitts, a GLAAD activist and Museum of Modern Art intern, appears to be behind the petition.

"The likelihood of Wonder Woman being bisexual has been alluded to over the years, primarily in comics," Collier-Pitts wrote in the petition. "Writer of Wonder Woman: Rebirth Greg Rucka even confirmed that "Diana has been in love and had relationships with other women, so why is it so hard to translate this for the silver screen?" Read more via Refinery29