Studies show that men who have sex with men are at a higher risk of being infected with HIV as compared to general population. Meanwhile studies show some HIV patients face challenges such as being consistent with taking treatment, Musa Xaba*, a 28-year old man who had sex with other men says it took him five years to get tested after suspecting that he had HIV. Speaking at Prince Cyril Zulu CD Clinic, where Exodus holds a support group for HIV and TB patients, he shared his journey of discovery and treatment with the Daily Vox.
“I’ve actually realised how people are afraid of HIV yet willing to have unprotected sex, especially men; because even at work you’d find that the people who make uneasy remarks about others are men. ”
Men who have sex with men are not necessarily gay and would not identify as such. Many are married with children and keep their sexual activities with other men a secret.
I was first diagnosed with HIV this year in July. Although I had never tested before that, I knew already that I was HIV positive. There are things that you know deep down from your heart.
I believe I got infected back in 2012 when I was still at college. I started experiencing different symptoms such as having sores and boils all over my body. Because I knew my ways, I already knew what was happening but didn’t have courage to get tested.
I would talk to my friends casually about it and they would advise that I go get tested. I would promise to go but I never really went. This went on until in July, where I started having rash at the back of my body. I knew this was the time I had to do something about it. Read more via Daily VOX