Russia: In LGBT+ rights victory, teen wins 'gay propaganda' case

MOSCOW (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - In an unexpected victory for gay rights, the first minor to be charged in Russia for promoting homosexuality won a court appeal on Friday in defense of his right to post photos on social media of men embracing.

Maxim Neverov was fined 50,000 rubles ($760) in August after a commission on juvenile affairs found him guilty of “promoting non-traditional sexual relationship among minors”.

He had posted online photos of shirtless men openly hugging in a nation where gays face legal challenges and risk widespread discrimination.

After an appeal in the city court of Biysk and several hearings, a judge found there was not enough evidence to establish Neverov’s guilt and overturned the fine.

“It was totally unexpected,” Neverov, 16, told the Thomson Reuters Foundation in a telephone interview immediately after the court hearing.

He said he had been prepared to lose the decision. Read more via the Reuters Foundation