Canada: Ontario PC Party passes resolution to debate recognition of gender identity

The Ontario PC Party has passed a resolution to debate whether or not the party should recognize gender identity. The vote happened Saturday morning, during the party’s three-day convention in Toronto.

The resolution says gender identity theory is “A highly controversial, unscientific ‘liberal ideology’; and, as such, that an Ontario PC Government will remove the teaching and promotion of ‘gender identity theory’ from Ontario schools and its curriculum.”

Earlier in the day, it was believed that the vote would be adopted as party policy, but after Global News broke the story, the PC Party clarified its position.

“To be clear, the resolutions passed from the floor were passed only as debate items for next year’s convention,” the party said. “They were not passed as policy coming out of this convention … We are a party that encourages open discussion and debate and giving the grassroots of our party a voice.”

Tanya Granic Allen, a former Ontario PC candidate who introduced the resolution, responded to the initial reports that it was passed by tweeting, “True story!” The decision is also not binding government policy.

The passing of the resolution drew immediate criticism from the NDP. Read more via Global News