US: John Oliver takes on VP's support of anti-LGBT group

A recent segment of John Oliver's Last Week Tonight took focus on Vice President Mike Pence's on going support of anti-gay organization Focus on the Family. Oliver explored the accusation that Pence supports gay conversion therapy

Mike Pence is much more unlikable than his pet rabbit who stars in a new children's book created by the Pence family and in a better children's book created by us. To purchase our book, visit: Connect with Last Week Tonight online...

John Oliver spoofs Pence family’s new kids’ book with gay-themed ‘Marlon Bundo’ book

LAST WEEK,The Washington Post brought you news of “Marlon Bundo’s A Day in the Life of the Vice President,” the furry new tale about the real White House pet rabbit. The children’s book, which lands Monday, is illustrated by second lady Karen Pence and written by daughter Charlotte Pence.

And now, on “Last Week Tonight,” host John Oliver announced Sunday night that he is releasing a politically pointed sendup of the Pence book, titled “A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo,” as penned by Jill Twiss, a writer on Oliver’s HBO show, and illustrated by EG Keller.

The key difference is, Oliver’s picture book is about a “Very Special boy bunny who falls in love with another boy bunny,” according to the book’s description. Oliver announced his book toward the end of a segment in which he skewered Vice President Pence’s social conservatism, especially, the host said, “his hostility to LGBT rights” and his record of not being “a friend to the gay community.” Oliver also noted that the Pence book tour includes a Colorado stop at the Focus on the Family organization, which, the host said, promotes gay-conversion therapy.

The publisher says that proceeds from Oliver’s book — which topped the Amazon bestseller chart by Monday morning — will go to AIDS United and the Trevor Project, which focuses on suicide prevention for LGBTQ youth. Read more via Washington Post