US: White House hosted anti-LGBT activists & then issued new trans military ban

The day before President Donald Trump unveiled his new transgender military ban, late on Friday night, the White House played host to anti-LGBTQ activists.

The ban was reportedly the work of Vice President Mike Pence, alongside anti-transgender activists Tony Perkins, of the Family Research Council, and Ryan Anderson, of the Heritage Foundation.

So it’s only fitting that those with similarly dangerous views against the community should be traipsing through the White House on the eve of the announcement of the administration’s latest attack, of many, on LGBTQ people.

Among those present for the “Generation Next: A White House Forum” event on Thursday was Tyson Langhofer, of the Southern Poverty Law Center designated hate group Alliance Defending Freedom. The group is defending baker Jack Phillips, who is arguing he should be allowed to deny cakes to same-sex couples on First Amendment grounds. 

Trump was also interviewed one-on-one by the young activist and commentator Charlie Kirk, who has routinely espoused anti-LGBTQ views.

Kirk has said that ensuring equality of service is “fascism,” and has argued that embracing transgender identity as valid “is wrong,” “nonbiological,” and “harmful to society.” Read more via LGBTQ Nation