Sammen med en række andre lande er Danmark blevet det nyeste medlem af den internationale sammenslutning for fremme af LGBTI-personers rettigheder - Equal Rights Coalition.
”LGBTI-personer er en særlig udsat gruppe, der i alt for mange lande oplever diskrimination, utryghed og mistrivsel. Homoseksualitet og kønsidentitet er fortsat kontroversielt i mange lande, og LGBTI-personer forfølges i mange udviklingslande. Det glæder mig derfor, at Danmark bliver medlem af Equal Rights Coalition. Danmark har længe været en stærk international fortaler for lige rettigheder til alle uanset køn, seksuel orientering og kønsidentitet. Jeg ser således frem til et styrket samarbejde om at fremme denne vigtige dagsorden internationalt,” siger udviklingsminister Ulla Tørnæs.
Danmark arbejder aktivt med at fremme LGBTI-rettigheder globalt, både gennem vores udenrigspolitik og udviklingspolitik. Det sker bl.a. gennem de danske ambassader og repræsentationer, som følger udviklingen på LGBTI-området tæt, og gennem dialog med partnerlande og lokale og internationale civilsamfundsorganisationer arbejder for at fremme LGBTI-personers rettigheder og vilkår. Der arbejdes også for at fremme LGBTI-rettigheder i multilateralt regi, herunder i FN’s menneskerettighedsråd, OSCE og Europarådet.
Danmark støtter også flere danske civilsamfundsorganisationer og internationale organisationer og fonde, som har til formål at fremme LGBTI-personers menneskerettigheder globalt. Read more via Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark
Together with a number of other countries, Denmark has become the newest member of the International Association for the Promotion of LGBTI Rights - Equal Rights Coalition.
"LGBTI people are a particularly vulnerable group who, in too many countries, experiences discrimination, insecurity and misery. Homosexuality and gender identity remain controversial in many countries, and LGBTI people are pursued in many developing countries. I am therefore pleased that Denmark becomes a member of the Equal Rights Coalition. Denmark has long been a strong international advocate for equal rights to all regardless of sex, sexual orientation and gender identity. I therefore look forward to a strengthened cooperation to promote this important agenda internationally, "says Minister of Development Ulla Tørnæs.
Denmark is actively promoting LGBTI rights globally, both through our foreign policy and development policy. This happens Through the Danish embassies and representations closely following developments in the LGBTI area, and through dialogue with partner countries and local and international civil society organizations work to promote LGBTI's rights and conditions. Work is also being done to promote multilateral LGBTI rights, including the UN Human Rights Council, the OSCE and the Council of Europe.
Denmark also supports several Danish civil society organizations and international organizations and foundations aimed at promoting LGBTI human rights globally.