Uganda’s Speaker of Parliament blasts efforts to protect LGBT refugees

Rebecca Kadaga, Uganda’s notoriously homophobic Speaker of Parliament, has threatened a walk-out in Geneva over attempts to protect the human rights of LGBT people.

Kadaga, who was a vocal supporter of her country’s anti-homosexuality law, was full of fury at the 138th Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Assembly this week.

She attacked efforts by some nations to pass an amendment to include LGBT people in a declaration on migrants and refugees. Kadaga accused European nations of trying to sneak in the amendment at the last minute.

Wagging her finger, she lashed out at the president of the IPU in front of delegates from around the world.

“We told you that if you insist, we are withdrawing,” she said. “So if you are insisting on smuggling this issue, the Ugandan delegation… shall withdraw from the IPU.”

Kadaga continued: “In St Petersburg [where the previous assembly was held last year] this subject came up and we said we do not want a divisive issue to come to the plenary. We told you that this issue that you want to bring has broken the Anglican Church.”

Kadaga was referring to the splintering of the global Anglican Church, in part driven by Ugandan clergy, over the increasing acceptance of homosexuality and same-sex relationships. Read more via Mamba