Defensa del economista presentó esta mañana un recurso de agravio constitucional. Reniec se niega a registrar la unión celebrada en México. El caso se decidirá en unos 30 días
El caso del economista peruano Óscar Ugarteche, a quien Reniec le niega el derecho de inscribir su matrimonio con el mexicano Fidel Aroche, se acerca a su fin en las instancias judiciales internas. Esta mañana, su defensa presentó un recurso de agravio constitucionalcontra la mencionada entidad, acción que deberá resolverse en un plazo de 30 días.
Tras escuchar los argumentos de la defensa, el Pleno del Tribunal Constitucional (TC) dejó al voto el recurso. Los representantes de Reniec, como parte demandada, no hicieron uso de la palabra. Por parte de Ugarteche se presentó el abogado Javier Mujica Petit.
Según explicó Mujica, Reniec negó la inscripción argumentando que el Código Civil peruano define el matrimonio como la unión libre entre un varón y una mujer. Sin embargo, el abogado precisó que el mismo instrumento legal establece que el matrimonio se rige por las leyes del domicilio de los contrayentes, que en este caso es México.
“Desconocer esto y denegar esta inscripción, que es un derecho y al mismo tiempo una obligación, es inconstitucional porque viola el artículo 2 de la Constitución, que establece el derecho a la igualdad de trato ante la ley y la no discriminación por orientación sexual”, explicó Mujica a La República.
Aunque en primera instancia se había ordenado a Reniec que inscriba el matrimonio de Ugarteche, dicha resolución fue revocada por un asunto de procedimiento. Tras agotar la vía administrativa, Ugarteche presentó una apelación, pero según Reniec se realizó fuera de plazo. En otras palabras, en la decisión judicial no se abordó el tema de fondo.
Constitutional Court will decide registration of homosexual marriage of Óscar Ugarteche
The case of the Peruvian economist Óscar Ugarteche, whom the civil registry denies the right to register his marriage with the Mexican Fidel Aroche, is coming to an end in the internal judicial instances. This morning, his defense filed an appeal of constitutional tort against the mentioned entity, action that must be resolved within a period of 30 days.
After hearing the arguments of the defense, the Plenary Session ofthe Constitutional Court (TC) left the appeal to the vote. The representatives of Reniec , as defendant, did not take the floor. On behalf of Ugarteche, the lawyer Javier Mujica Petit appeared.
According to Mujica, Reniec denied the inscription arguing that the Peruvian Civil Code defines marriage as the free union between a man and a woman. However, the lawyer stated that the same legal instrument establishes that the marriage is governed by the laws of the domicile of the contracting parties, which in this case is Mexico.
"Disregarding this and denying this registration, which is a right and at the same time an obligation, is unconstitutional because it violates Article 2 of the Constitution , which establishes the right to equal treatment before the law and non-discrimination based on sexual orientation" , explained Mujica to La República .
Although in the first instance Reniec had been ordered to register Ugarteche's marriage , that resolution was revoked on a procedural matter. After exhausting the administrative route, Ugarteche filed an appeal, but according to Reniec it was carried out after the deadline. In other words, the substantive issue was not addressed in the judicial decision.
- In October 2010, Óscar Ugarteche and Fidel Aroche celebrate their marriage in Mexico, where union between persons of the same sex is legal.
- In 2011 the registration of that marriage in Peru is requested. Reniec refuses and in 2012 declares the administrative route exhausted. Ugarteche's defense appeals the decision on December 12.
- In December 2016, in the first instance, the Seventh Constitutional Court of Lima orders the Reniec to recognize and register Ugarteche's marriage.
- In January 2018, Fourth Civil Chamber of the Superior Court of Lima revoked that order. It is argued that the appeal was filed after the deadline. The defense of Ugartechehe assures that the economist was outside the country and, therefore, according to the Constitutional Procedural Code, he had the right to present the appeal as soon as he had the opportunity.