Cubans Have Their Say about Same-Sex Marriage

HAVANA TIMES — Cuba, and its new constitution which will most likely be approved in the coming months, has been under the world’s watchful eye these past few days. We are living a historic moment, there’s no doubt about it. Even though many people think it’s more of the same old, I do believe we should take a good look at some of the changes that we will soon see in all of Cuban society from now on.

Among the most striking (to put it one way) articles for many, is Article 68 which gives people of the same sex a green light to get married, something that many people have been calling for for years now (myself included). In the new text, marriage is described as the consensual union between two people, without specifying their sex or anything else.

Cuba will become the 26th country in the world to officially recognize this right and the first country of a Communist and Socialist persuasion to take such a decision, which is even more striking as it comes as part of an entire constitutional reform.

In short, this moment we are experiencing doesn’t allow me as a LGBTI journalist and activist to sit at home without knowing what some Cubans think about the issue, first-hand.

In collaboration with another activist friend and YouTuber, we decided to interview people on Havana’s streets.

There were many opinions, but I found that everyone agreed that each individual has the right to choose their own lifestyle and decide to get married without affecting anyone else, much less that this will be detrimental to heterosexual marriages. Read more via Havana Times

Public debate heats up Cubans over same-sex marriage.