Australia: 13-year-old trans kid confronts Australia’s prime minister over his views on trans children

A 13-year-old trans kid confronted Australia’s prime minister Scott Morrison over a recent controversial tweet he made complaining about “gender whisperers.”

On Tuesday, Morrison, who voted against same-sex marriage in the country, responded to a news report in Australia’s The Daily Telegraph, which claimed that teachers were being trained to identify transgender children,

“We do not need ‘gender whisperers’ in our schools. Let kids be kids,” he posted on Twitter. But, during an appearing on The Project on Thursday, Morrison was asked to respond to a video clip sent in by 13-year old trans schoolgirl Evie Macdonald.

“My name is Evie Macdonald, I’m 13 years old and I’m a transgender kid. And this is what I want to say to the prime minister,” Macdonald said in the video. “There are thousands of kids in Australia that are gender diverse. We don’t deserve to be disrespected like that through tweets from our prime minister.” Read more via Pink News