Malaysia: MB: Backlash over caning for lesbian sex only temporary

KUALA TERENGGANU: The Terengganu government has remained positive in the face of backlash over the recent whipping of two women who pleaded guilty to attempting lesbian sex in the state.

Menteri Besar Ahmad Shamsuri Mokhtar said he believed the backlash was only temporary and that the public would eventually understand that the punishment was meant as a lesson and deterrent to those involved in LGBT activities.

“It’s a strong message to all Malaysians to remember that unnatural sex must not be practised in Terengganu in particular, and Malaysia in general, as this is a Muslim majority country.

“The backlash is just temporary… I believe that if the public can see the punishment objectively and not emotionally, they will be able to accept it,” he told reporters here today. Read more via Free Malaysia Today

Terengganu PH denies opposing caning of lesbians

KUALA TERENGGANU: Terengganu Pakatan Harapan (PH) today clarified that the coalition would respect and abide by existing state laws after flyers claiming it condemned the caning of two lesbians were distributed around town.

Its chairman, Raja Kamarul Bahrin Shah said that the flyers were posted on cars parked outside the court compound the very day the sentence was meted out.

Raja Bahrin said the flyers, said to be from Pakatan Harapan’s headquarters, stated that the sentence was a form of persecution on the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community.

“Our stand is clear, we support and abide by laws which have been passed by the Terengganu state legislative assembly. “It is clear that the lies are intended to incite hatred and anger among the people towards PH. This is a concerted and planned effort to slander Terengganu PH,” he said here today. Read more via Free Malaysia Today