Armenia: Everyone has the right to protection—Prosperous Armenia Party MP on LGBT rights

Everyone, including sexual minorities, have rights, and if they turn to the relevant Commission, we will discuss any issue, member of the Prosperous Armenia Party, candidate for the chair of the standing parliamentary Commission on Human Rights and Public Affairs, Naira Zohrabyan stated at the National Assembly on Wednesday, answering the question of My Step bloc MP deputy Lusine Badalyan about whether she would pay attention to protection of the rights of sexual minorities in Armenia, in case of her election.

According to Badalyan herself, sexual minorities also live in Armenia, and they also need have equal rights. Zohrabyan again noted that everyone in Armenia has the right to protection. Read more via

Armenian parliament elects heads of standing committees

The seventh National Assembly elected on the final day of its opening session since Monday the 11 chairpersons of its standing committees.

Out of the 132 registered lawmakers, 129 participated in the voting, said Vahagn Hovakimyan, the head of the Counting Committee.

Naira Zohrabyan of the Prosperous Armenia party was elected the Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee's chairperson with 127 votes.

The National Assembly had earlier approved the standing committees' number, agreeing to entrust the chairmanship of eight to My Step, two - to Prosperous Armenia and one – to the Bright Armenia party. Read more via Tert