Poland: Law criminalizing sexuality education “recklessly retrogressive”

Ahead of a vote today on a bill which would make teaching or even promoting sexuality education to people under 18 a crime punishable with for up to three years in prison, Amnesty International Poland Director, Draginja Nadazdin said:

“This recklessly retrogressive law would encourage fear and ignorance, putting young people at risk. Its impact would be felt well beyond the classroom, creating a chilling effect on teachers, activists and even on parents who want to talk to their children about sex.

This recklessly retrogressive law would encourage fear and ignorance, putting young people at risk

“Sexuality education is crucial in informing young people about their bodies and the importance of things such as healthy relationships, consent, contraception and prevention of sexuality transmitted diseases.

Politics should be kept out of the classroom

Draginja Nadazdin, Amnesty Poland

“In Poland, where access to abortion is only legal in limited circumstances, the importance of sexuality education is even more vital. This bill, which equates homosexuality with pedophilia, exposes the disturbing homophobia that underpins this law.

“Politics should be kept out of the classroom and we call on MP’s to reject this law.”

 Read more via Amnesty