Panama: President asks to exclude from reform article that defines marriage as heterosexual

The president of Panama, Laurentino Cortizo, announced Friday that his government will ask to eliminate from the constitutional reforms a controversial article where only marriage between a man and a woman is recognized, which led to protests in the country. "On the issue related to marriage, the recommendation is to keep the text of the current Constitution," Cortizo said.

The government of Panama promotes the reform of the Constitution, which dates back to 1972, to fight corruption and improve the country's institutionality. For this, he sent a project, prepared by a council formed by 23 sectors, to the National Assembly, but the deputies included changes that were not foreseen in the original text. Among these modifications is the inclusion of an article that states that "the State recognizes only marriage between a man and a woman."

The Assembly, of an official majority, has already approved the reform project, but Cortizo will propose eliminating or modifying 20 articles, including the one referring to marriage, when the legislative body will discuss it again in 2020 before taking it to a referendum. Read more via AFP